Bible Study Groups
Adult Sunday School Opportunities
The classes below meet Sundays at 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary and use the Adult Bible Studies curriculum. This quarterly study presents stimulating lessons that explore the biblical message and how to apply it to daily life. This spring, the theme is “Follow.”
Authentic discipleship involves imitating Jesus, and we must begin with an understanding of Jesus as Messiah and the kingdom to which he invites us to belong. We soon discover as we follow Jesus that his kingdom turns our expectations totally upside down. As we walk with Jesus, we must admit that we sometimes totally miss the mark. Yet Christ forgives us, restores us, and equips us to live into our identities as Christ-followers.
As his followers, we have responsibilities and opportunities to help grow the kingdom. One way is through stewardship, a concept that is much broader than we may think. Our role involves using not only our physical resources but indeed our very lives as grace-filled cohabitants in God’s marvelous creation.
Four Fold Friends
Four Fold Friends
Men’s Bible Class
Men’s Bible Class
Christian Adults
Christian Adults
Adult Sunday School Opportunities
The classes below meet on Sundays at 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary and use the Adult Bible Studies curriculum. This quarterly study presents stimulating lessons that explore the biblical message and how to apply it to daily life. This winter, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Following Jesus.” They encourage us to consider what compels us to follow Jesus, what it means to be part of Jesus’ beloved community, and how we are partners in Jesus’ mission.
Four Fold Friends
Four Fold Friends
Men’s Bible Class
Men’s Bible Class
Christian Adults
Christian Adults
Small Groups/ Bible Study Opportunities
Join us for Bible Study in
the sanctuary with Pastor
Don. Everyday Disciple will
focus on a verse-by-verse
method. We will go in depth each week looking at the passage
of scripture that will be used for the coming Sunday’s sermon
in both services. As disciples, we are to grow in our
Christlikeness each and every day. With the help of the Holy
Spirit, we peel off layers of this world, and we put on the mind
of Jesus. Our study of Luke will be just that, an exposure of
our worldliness and the call to be more like Jesus. Please bring
your Bibles and something to write with. Study notes will be
provided. Will not meet January 1st, 15th, 22nd
, 29th
, and
March 5th; will meet January 8th
INTERESTED IN JOINING A SMALL GROUP to grow closer to the Lord and be encouraged by fellow Christians? The following groups will meet during the summer months. Please join us!
Wednesday Fellowship Meals
5:30 PM $5 Adult (ages 13 & Older) $2.50 Child (ages 2 – 12)
Please register for the meal by the Sunday before on the Connections card in your bulletin, at the Giving Kiosk, through the Giving App (under “events), or call Jen in the church office.
Men’s Bible Study A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM in the Contemporary Worship Area Coffee Corner Led by Justin Zelger
As a society, we are obsessed with the immediate, but Eugene Petersons’ time-tested prescription for discipleship remains the same—a long obedience in the same direction. Long obedience requires a deepening life of prayer. Peterson finds encouragement for today’s pilgrims in the Songs of Ascents (Psalm 120 – 134) and shows how the psalms teach us to grow in worship, service, joy, work, happiness, humility, community, and blessing. The book is available in our church Bookstore, but not necessary for this study. Will not meet on January 1st or March 5th
Men’s Bible Study A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM in the Contemporary Worship Area Coffee Corner Led by Justin Zelger
Join us for Bible Study in the sanctuary with Pastor Don. Everyday Disciple will focus on a verse-by-verse method. We will go in depth each week looking at the passage of scripture that will be used for the coming Sunday’s sermon in both services. As disciples, we are to grow in our Christlikeness each and every day. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we peel off layers of this world, and we put on the mind of Jesus. Our study of Luke will be just that, an exposure of our worldliness and the call to be more like Jesus. Please bring your Bibles and something to write with. Study notes will be provided. Will not meet January 1st, 15th, 22nd, 29th
, and March 5th; will meet January 8th.
Women’s Bible Study The Well-Watered Woman
Wednesdays, 6:30 PM
in the Church Book Store Areal
Led by Dawn Seawell
Discover the bottomless, refreshing Well of God's Word―and experience a fullness and peace beyond your circumstances. In the chaos of our everyday, it can be difficult to live out and apply the truths of Scripture. We want more of Jesus, but we find ourselves looking to our own lives and accomplishments for our worth and identity. And while that may buoy us for a time, we're often left feeling dried up, discouraged, and longing for more. Gretchen Saffles knows what it's like to feel overwhelmed and unable to flourish. In The Well-Watered Woman, Gretchen leads us to the Well of fullness, the Word of freedom, and the Way of fruitfulness. She teaches that God's Word will satisfy us for all eternity. Using Scripture and her own personal story of surrender, Gretchen offers spiritually hungry women tangible tools to not only know Jesus more but to live a life that thoroughly enjoys Him, seeks Him, and follows Him into freedom. Devotional Journal available in the Church Bookstore. Will notmeet January 1st and March 5th.
Celebrate Recovery
Thursdays 6:30 PM (dinner at 6 PM)
Social Hall
Contact: Michael Wilt (717) 487-5693
Is Celebrate Recovery for me or someone I know? Living in a broken world, we all deal with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. No one has the ability, nor should they attempt to face their hurts on their own. Celebrate Recovery is a beautiful community of strugglers that courageously enter this safe and beautiful space to get honest about our pain, and the negative ways we may see ourselves, God, and others. In this process, we come to accept that some of the habits we may have developed to escape our pain have caused destruction in our life and those close to us. Celebrate Recovery is a biblically balanced approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to our hurts. It guides us toward new healthy truths and life-giving habits as we repair our broken relationships. Join more than seven million hurting people across the globe who now walk in freedom through the power of Jesus Christ as we walk through the eight principles of Celebrate Recovery based on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. These are some of the
issues people find freedom from in Celebrate Recovery: Anger ~ Codependency ~ Eating Disorder ~ Love & Relationship Addiction ~ Physical, Sexual, and/or Emotional Abuse ~ Drug
Addiction ~ Alcoholism ~ Sexual Addiction ~ Gambling Addiction ~ Grief ~ Mental Health ~ and many other issues we may struggle with.
Download the YouVersion Bible app and join us as we explore different reading plans and Bible studies together as a church throughout the year. Create an account in the app, go to friends, search for Bethany Church Red Lion, and send the friend request. Once accepted, you’re ready to go. Contact Justin Zelger or Pastor Don with any questions or for additional details.
For January, the
following devotionals can be
accessed through YouVersion ( plans/insert the number listed at the devotional) or click on the link in the Special Bethany Blast on Sundays:
Capturing Glory Again (34434)
–December 29th – January 2nd
How to Seek the Kingdom of God (14702)
– January 5th – 11th
I Once Was Blind, but Now I See (47086)
–January 12th – 16th
Lost: The Story of Zacchaeus (43328)
–January 19th – 23rd
Parable of the 10 Minas (50409)
–January 26th – February 1st
The “Connecting People with God” Committee is asking various people in our church what books they have read that have helped them in their walk with God or their understanding of scriptures. Of course, our first recommendation is always the Bible, but we hope you find these others helpful as well. January’s Book of the Month is Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science (a guide for sinners, quitters, and procrastinators) by Drew Dyck (copies are available in the church bookstore). It is great to see that the Bible has many things to speak into our lives today; and so in January as many are thinking about resolutions, this book can help connect them to God’s word. If you have any suggestions to add to our list, please let Justin Zelger.
Bethany Church Red Lion | 121 W. Broadway, Red Lion, PA, 17356
Open Hours:
Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm