Join us in person or online
Our next online service
Service Time
9:00AM - Livestream and In Person
Traditions 10:30AM - Livestream and In Person

Our Mobile App for Giving is Changing Beginning on October 1st, our easyTithe Giving App will no longer be available. You will now need to download the “My Church Home” app by Ministry Brands Amplify (see below) through your App Store. Search for zip code, 17356, and Bethany UMC should pop up. Choose as your church. Unfortunately, we’ve been told, you will have to enter all your information again to create an account. Online, Text, and the Giving Kiosk giving should see no change. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 717-244-7624. The Amplify Mobile App offers much more than a Giving option. Register for events (Grab ‘n Go, Wednesday Meal, etc.), send a prayer request, view the church calendar, etc.